Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Bart, Postgraduate in Politics and French
 Once in a blue moon, someone - or something comes along to brighten up your otherwise Monday monotony. This week - that someone was Bart; a Postgraduate hailing from Paris, who with every step leaves behind an enchanting trail of purple brogue imprints – the kind of purple that you only ever get to see in an intoxicating Burton movie. Surely this is LSE’s answer to Beetlejuice meets Frenchman (if ever there was one)? His rock chic man bag is somewhat at odds with his palette of beige and neutrals; yet somehow this oxymoron of an outfit works. With this eccentric get-up, Bart would surely not look out of place in a line-up of dazzling TV personalities; yet you would be sorely mistaken to believe that he exudes showmanship as he insists that ‘you don’t have to be in show business to dress for flair!’ Alternatively, the inverse of that saying also rings true  – you don’t have to dress for flair if you are in show business! Take note, Brucie. Not one to be confined to gender stereotypes, Bart is also one of the rare few guys that I have seen sporting an infinity scarf; which adds a touch of femininity to the overall androgynous look. Upon closer inspection of his jacket, I presume that it is made from linen - a material that usually creases like no other, yet somehow he has managed to do the undoable and keep it fold-free! He has conquered fashion’s biggest enemy with this crease-free linen jacket; but my guess is that he is probably the type of guy who is an idol of ironing. Meanwhile, I will still be on my holy grail towards unlocking fashion other secrets on campus for next week….