Monday, October 25, 2010


Kate, 2nd year, Crimonology & Social Policy

Coco Chanel once uttered the immortal words, “Fashion is everywhere… Fashion is in the sky, Fashion is in the street…” Well certainly true - if Kate’s modish style is anything to go by – Fashion was quite specifically found in LSE’s very own unsuspecting Clement’s Inn street! This is precisely where I scouted Kate and her magnificent Camel Cape this week – a garment whose sheer volume and brilliance justifies its own Capitalised Status. Now, I understand that the mere mention of the word ‘cape’ often conjures images of Superman and Batman in one’s childlike nostalgic mind – but do not fear; I assure you that The Camel Cape is a staple must-have for any serious fashionista this winter! Take advice from Kate, or rather - “Trendy-Wendy” as her boyfriend likes to refer to her as - and team your cape with skinny jeans to balance out the upper volume and add high heels for that touch of elegance. Her outfit ensemble is a mixture of high-street affordable fashion from the likes of Topshop, New Look and American Apparel with a high-end Vivienne Westwood bag.  However, Kate also champions student’s favourite ‘Primark’ – a budget high street store that is almost as famous for its chaotic shop floors as it is for its cheapness. Kate’s final say on the fickle world of fashion (and who knows – a quote that may rival that of Coco Chanel’s one day?!) is “Bring back the LSE backpack!”